FastBull Membership Agreement


Article 1: General Provisions
1. FastBull membership service is a paid value-added service. Before using the membership service of the FastBull software (hereinafter referred to as the "Software"), including but not limited to all current and future membership service of the Software provided through the website or in other ways (hereinafter referred to as the "Service", or collectively as "FastBull"), please carefully read the FastBull Membership Agreement (hereinafter referred to as this "Agreement"), as well as the FastBull Subscription Agreement, Terms of Use, and other relevant regulations of the FastBull platform. Please confirm that you fully understand all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, especially the exemption clauses, as well as the specific rules for activating or using certain services, and indicate your acceptance or rejection thereof. The exemption clauses may be highlighted in bold or underlined to catch your attention. Minors should read this Agreement in the company and under the guidance of their guardians and obtain their consent before using the services under this Agreement.
2. You are not authorized to use the Service unless you have read and accepted all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The ways in which you may agree to this Agreement and other rules include, but are not limited to:
1) Offering written or spoken statement via email, phone, fax, instant messaging, or other means;
2) Actions such as downloading and installing the Software, obtaining and logging into the Service account (through mobile phone or third-party accounts);
3) Any other ways mutually acknowledged by both you and us.
3. This Agreement will constitute a legally binding document between you and the parties involved in the development and operation of the Software and Service (hereinafter collectively referred to as "we" or "us"). We reserve the right to modify the terms of this Agreement when necessary. You can review the relevant terms of the Agreement in the latest version of the Software. In case of any conflict between this Agreement and the actual features of the Software or the Service, the actual features shall prevail. If the terms of this Agreement are revised and you continue to use the Software or the Service, it is deemed that you have accepted the revised Agreement. If you do not accept the revised Agreement, you should stop using the Software and the Service.
4. You may obtain the Software directly from our website or from a third party authorized by us. If you acquire the Software or an installation program with the same name as the Software from an unauthorized third party, we cannot guarantee the normal operation of the Service and will not be responsible for any losses caused to you as a result.


Article 2: Content of the Service
1. FastBull member refers to a user who has registered and activated a FastBull account, and paid for the membership services provided by FastBull. If a user logs into FastBull via another third-party account, they must ensure the stability, authenticity, and availability of that third-party account. If a user is unable to log into FastBull due to reasons related to their third-party account (such as account suspension by the third-party company), the user should contact the third-party account provider. The account used to log into the FastBull and use membership services is the sole basis for FastBull to verify the user's identity.
2. FastBull membership service is a paid value-added service provided by FastBull. Users must pay the relevant fees to FastBull before enjoying the services specifically designed for members.
3. "FastBull Members" are hereinafter referred to as "Members".
4. You may register an account for the Service or use your phone or third-party accounts to log in and we will assign an account for you to use the Service. The ownership of the Service account belongs to FastBull. Upon completing the registration and membership purchase, users only have the right to use the Service account, and this right is exclusively for initial registrants. Initial registrants may not gift, lend, lease, transfer, or sell the Service account, nor permit non-initial registrants to use the Service account in any other way. Non-initial registrants may not use the Service account through gift, inheritance, lease, transfer, or any other means.
5. You are responsible for keeping your membership account information and password secure. You need to be liable for all activities under your registered account and password. You agree not to disclose your account and password information to others under any circumstances. If you suspect that someone else is using your account, you should notify us immediately.
6. If you do not log into your registered Service account for an extended period, we reserve the right to reclaim the account to avoid resource waste, and you will bear any resulting losses.
7. In addition to this Agreement, there may be a separate agreement or related business rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Separate Agreement") governing the specific service you use within the Software. Please read and agree to the relevant Separate Agreement before using that service. Your use of the aforementioned specific service indicates your acceptance of the related Separate Agreement.
8. You understand and agree that we have the right to use the Software and Service for commercial purposes, including but not limited to developing and using some services of the Software for third-party promotions. We commit to strictly protecting your personal information as agreed in this Agreement during the promotion process. At the same time, you can choose to block or refuse to receive related promotional information through system settings.
9. You understand and agree that we will make reasonable commercial efforts to ensure the security of your data storage and smooth use within the Software and Service. However, we does not fully guarantee this, including but not limited to the following situations:
1) We are not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of your related data within the Software and Service;
2) We have the right to determine the maximum storage period for user data within the Software and Service based on actual conditions and allocate the maximum storage space on the server. You can back up related data in the Software and Service as needed;
3) If you stop using the Software and Service or the Service is terminated or canceled, we can permanently delete your data from the server. After the Service is stopped, terminated, or canceled, we are not obligated to return any data to you;
Users must choose the software version that matches their terminal device. Any issues or damages caused by a mismatch between the software and terminal device are borne by the user;
4) Users bear the risks arising from accessing third-party websites through the software and the related content;
5) Risks and liabilities arising from the forwarding and sharing of user-published content by others;
Risks such as login failures, incomplete data synchronization, and slow page opening speed caused by unstable network connection, low internet bandwidth, etc.
10. To provide you with effective services, the Software may utilize the processor and bandwidth resources of your terminal device. Data traffic charges may be incurred during the use of the Software. Users should consult their carrier for related tariff information and bear the related costs.
11. Members benefit from FastBull's value-added services throughout the validity period of their membership. If membership qualification is canceled or terminated, access to these services will cease.
12. Once the membership is purchased and activated, it cannot be canceled or terminated before the end of the validity period, and membership fees are non-refundable.


Article 3: Service Fees
1. You may purchase FastBull membership by completing the payment using the payment methods accepted by FastBull on the membership purchase page. The standard fee is USD $33.99/month (with the specific service period displayed on the relevant page). FastBull may offer different discounts to different membership plans within a certain period. FastBull reserves the right to conduct promotions or offer discounts, and details regarding these discounts can be found on the membership payment page.
2. When purchasing FastBull membership, you should carefully verify the account name, membership plan and duration, and other specific information. FastBull will not refund any fees due to errors caused by the user, such as incorrect account, membership plan, or duration.
3. The method of collecting fees for membership services will be as notified or prompted to you when using the Service. All notifications and prompts related to fees issued by FastBull are part of this Agreement. If you continue to use the Service after receiving the notifications or prompts regarding fees, you are deemed to unconditionally agree to pay the service fees to FastBull according to the fee standards and conditions set out in the relevant notifications and prompts.


Article 4: Service Content
1. FastBull will provide various exclusive value-added membership services to members, and the specific content is subject to what FastBull offers.
2. FastBull reserves the right to adjust the Service content at any time based on actual circumstances.


Article 5: Service Activation and Termination
1. After logging in, FastBull users can become members by completing the payment for the membership fees.
2. The membership validity period starts from the time the membership service is activated. The specific validity period can be viewed on the personal membership page.
3. After the membership validity period ends, FastBull will terminate the provision of value-added membership services.
4. If the membership is renewed during the validity period, the validity period will be extended based on the original validity period.


Article 6: Auto-Renewal Service
1. FastBull Auto-Renewal Service is provided to meet the needs of members for automatic renewal and to prevent members from failing to renew in time due to negligence or other reasons. The specific auto-renewal billing cycles include: monthly ($31.99 USD/month), annual ($284.99 USD/year), etc. (subject to what FastBull offers), and you can choose by yourself.
2. If you activate the Service, you are deemed to authorize FastBull to, before the expiration of your auto-renewal period, entrust the payment channels to automatically charge the fee for the next billing cycle from your recharge accounts, third-party payment accounts linked to your membership, bank cards, or payment accounts associated with the Apple Store account (collectively referred to as "Accounts"), without requiring verification of your membership account and password, payment password, SMS verification code, etc. To ensure successful payment, if a single payment account does not have sufficient funds or credit, multiple accounts may be used to complete the payment according to your payment settings. The specific payment method is subject to the supported features of the payment channels.
Please note that in some channels, such as Apple iOS, the billing cycle may be decided by the telecom carrier or based on the actual situation. Therefore, the timing of the auto-renewal charge will be according to the actual deduction time of each channel.
3. For the Service to work, you need to have your membership account linked to the specified accounts and ensure there are sufficient funds for the full deduction. If renewal fails due to insufficient funds or account issues, you will be responsible for any consequences. If you don't cancel the Service, FastBull may continue to provide you with auto-renewal services once your account is back to normal and has enough funds (subject to the rules of each third-party payment channel). Once the deduction is successful, FastBull will extend your membership and the Service.
4. You acknowledge and agree that by paying the fees through a third-party payment channel, you will also be subject to the terms of service and usage rules of that third party.
5. The Service is valid indefinitely from the date you activate it until you choose to cancel it. FastBull will notify you of the auto-renewal failure via SMS, email, in-app message, etc., if your first auto-renewal attempt fails.
6. You have the discretion to cancel the Service at any time. If you do not cancel, it will be deemed that you agree to FastBull attempting to deduct renewal fees according to this rule. Once the deduction is successful, FastBull will extend your membership validity period accordingly. You can check your membership validity period in the FastBull app → Profile → Membership. If the membership service price is adjusted before or at the time of automatic renewal, the current price will apply. If you purchase other membership packages without canceling the Service, or if you purchase the Service while already having another membership packages, the duration of all membership packages will be combined and added to your overall membership validity period. You understand and agree that FastBull will continue to deduct fees for the Service from your account.
7. If you wish to change the auto-renewal package after activating the Service, please cancel the current Service first, and then repurchase it after selecting the desired auto-renewal package.
8. You may cancel the Service through the following methods:
(1) Purchase Through Apple ID: 
According to Apple's regulations, you need to cancel the auto-renewal service by signing in to your Apple ID on your Apple device that you used to activate it. 
Cancellation Method:
Go to Settings → Apple ID → Subscriptions → Cancel the subscription to FastBull Membership.
The specific operation may vary depending on different versions.
(2) Purchase Through Google:
According to Google's regulations, you need to cancel the auto-renewal service by signing in to your Google account that you used to activate it. 
Cancellation Method:
Click on Profile → My Account → Payments & Subscriptions → FastBull Membership Management → Cancel the subscription.
The specific operation may vary depending on different versions.
(3) Purchase Through Other Third-Parties:
Go to the Membership page → Click Renewal Management → Click Turn Off to cancel auto-renewal.
Special Note: After successfully canceling the Service, your existing membership rights that have already been charged and activated will not be affected. Auto-renewal will not be performed after the existing membership period expires. Any instructions you gave to FastBull for auto-renewal deductions before terminating the Service will remain effective. FastBull will not refund fees deducted based on these instructions, and you will bear the related responsibilities.


Supplementary Notes for [Membership Auto-Renewals]
1. Monthly Auto-Renewal Program
--Subscription period: 1 month
--Subscription price: $31.99 per month

2. Annual Auto-Renewal Program
--Subscription period: 12 months
--Subscription price: $284.99 per year

3. Payment: Payments are charged to the user's Apple ID account at confirmation of purchase.

4. Renewal: The Apple ID account will be charged within 24 hours before the expiration time, and the subscription will be extended by 1 month (for the monthly auto-renewal program) or 12 months (for the annual auto-renewal program) after the payment.

5. Subscription Cancellation: If you want to cancel your auto-renewal program, cancel it at least 24 hours before the program expires.
How to cancel: Go to your phone's [Settings] → [Apple ID] → [Subscriptions] → [FastBull Membership] → [Cancel Subscription].

User Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
Membership Agreement:
Apple standard end-user license agreement (EULA):


Article 7: User Conduct Code
1. Unless we provide written permission, you may not engage in the following activities while using the Software:
1) Remove copyright information on the Software and its copies;
2) Reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, or attempt to discover the Software's source code by any other means;
3) Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, or establish mirror sites for content with our intellectual property rights;
4) Copy, modify, add, delete, hook run, or create any derivative works from any data released to the terminal memory by this Software or during its operation, any interaction data between the client and the server during the Software's operation, and any system data necessary for the Software's operation. This includes, but is not limited to, using plugins, add-ons, or third-party tools/services not authorized by us to access the Software and related systems;
5) Modify or forge instructions or data during the Software's operation, increase, delete or change the Software's functions or operational effects, or operate or publicly spread software or methods for the above purposes, whether for commercial purposes or not;
6) Log in to or use our Software and services via third-party software, plug-ins, or systems not developed or authorized by us, or create, publish, or spread such tools;
7) Interfere with the software and its components, modules, or data by yourself or authorize others or third-party software to do so;
Any other behaviors not explicitly authorized by us.
2. You understand and agree that you are responsible for all actions under your registered account, including any content you post and any resulting consequences. You should judge the content within the Service and bear all risks arising from using the content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, completeness, or usefulness of the content. We cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by these risks.
3. If we find or receive reports or complaints from others that a user has violated this Agreement or other service rules, we have the right to delete or block relevant content at any time without notice and, depending on the severity of the violation, we may issue warnings, impose restrictions or bans on using some or all features, suspend or cancel the account, and announce the results.
4. You understand and agree that we have the right to reasonably assess and punish actions that violate applicable laws and regulations or the terms of this Agreement. We may take appropriate legal action against any user who violates laws and regulations, including but not limited to saving relevant information and reporting to relevant authorities. You will be responsible for any legal consequences arising therefrom.
5. You understand and agree that if you violate this Agreement or related service terms, resulting in any claims, demands, or losses from third parties, you shall independently bear all responsibilities. If we suffer any loss as a result, you shall also compensate us accordingly.


Article 8: Intellectual Property Statement
1. We own the intellectual property rights of the Software and the Service. All copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights related to the Software and the Service, as well as all information and content related to the Software and the Service, including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, graphics, interface design, layout framework, relevant data, or electronic documents, are protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. We hold the intellectual property rights mentioned above, except for those that are legally reserved for the respective rights holders.
2. Without our written consent or that of the relevant rights holders, you may not use, implement, or transfer the mentioned intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purposes, either personally or by allowing others to do so.


Article 9: Disclaimer
1. If you exercise the rights stipulated in this Agreement to purchase/accept goods or services provided by third-parties other than the FastBull Membership, and a dispute arises, you should assert your rights against the third-party who sold/provided the goods or services. FastBull is not involved.
2. FastBull ensures the continuity and security of the Service to the maximum extent possible under the current technological level and ensures the normal operation of the Service. However, operational interruptions, data loss, and other losses and risks due to force majeure, viruses, trojans, hacker attacks, system instability, communication line failures, third-party service defects, government actions, and other reasons are unavoidable with the current technological level and are beyond FastBull's control. You agree to waive any claims against FastBull for any delays, temporary suspensions, data, or information losses resulting there from.


Article 10: Miscellaneous Provisions
1. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are still reserved by us. You must obtain our written permission to exercise these rights. If we do not exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it does not constitute a waiver of such rights.
2. The ownership and operation rights of membership, as well as the formulation of membership systems and activities, are owned by FastBull. FastBull reserves the right to interpret these within the scope permitted by law.
3. The titles of all terms in this Agreement are for reading convenience only and have no actual meaning. They cannot be used as a basis for interpreting the meaning of this Agreement.
4. If any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.
5. The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).
6. In the event of any disputes or disagreements between you and us, both parties should first attempt to resolve them amicably. If the disputes cannot be resolved through negotiation, you agree to submit the disputes or disagreements to the Shanghai Arbitration Commission for resolution in accordance with its then-effective arbitration rules. The arbitration language shall be Chinese, and the arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.
7. If you have any questions about the content of this Agreement, please contact FastBull customer support.


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