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【US Media: Trump Team Reportedly Proposes New Solution to Ukraine Issue】 November 7th, according to The Wall Street Journal, during the presidential election, Trump has been criticizing Biden's handling of the Ukraine issue. He once said that he could quickly resolve the conflict and get both sides to the negotiating table, but did not reveal how he would do this. It is reported that Trump has not yet approved a specific peace plan. Although advisors have proposed some ideas, only the elected president can decide how to handle this issue after consulting with key aides. Insider sources revealed that an idea proposed within Trump's transition office is for Kyiv to commit to not joining NATO for at least 20 years. In exchange, the U.S. would continue to arm Ukraine to deter future Russian aggression. According to the plan, the front line would be largely locked, and both sides would agree to establish an 800-mile demilitarized zone. It is currently unclear who will manage this territory, but an advisor said that peacekeeping forces would not include U.S. troops and would not come from U.S.-funded international organizations such as the United Nations. A member of the Trump team said: "We can provide training and other support, but the weapons will come from Europe. We will not send Americans to maintain peace in Ukraine. And we will not foot the bill for this. Let the Poles, Germans, Brits, and French handle these issues." (ForexLive)
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