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【United Kingdom's real estate assets portfolio value increased in the first half of the year, with significant help from the retail sector.】In the first half of the year, the United Kingdom real estate company saw an increase in the value of its office, warehouse, and retail asset portfolio, thanks to allocating more funds to the strong-performing retail sector. According to a statement released on Wednesday, the real estate investment trusts company reported that the value of its real estate holdings in the United Kingdom rose by 0.2% in the six months ending September. The company rented out 1.7 million square feet of space, with rents exceeding expectations by 8%. CEO Simon Carter stated in the declaration: "Despite ongoing geopolitical risks and recent fluctuations resulting from the budget and the USA elections, the asset portfolio of the United Kingdom real estate has been adequately prepared for the turning point in the cycle." In recent years, higher interest rates have put significant pressure on the valuation of commercial real estate in the United Kingdom. However, rent growth has partially alleviated this impact, as rents continue to rise due to a shortage of high-quality and most eco-friendly spaces, despite sluggish economic growth.
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