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【National Data Administration: Build a multi-level computing power scheduling strategy engine to achieve mixed deployment and unified scheduling of computing power resources across platforms, levels, and regions】The National Data Administration issued an announcement requesting public comments on the “National Data Infrastructure Construction Guidelines (Draft for Comments)”. Among them, it was mentioned to strengthen innovative applications of emerging network technology, optimize network billing methods, reduce data transmission costs between east and west, and promote the shift of medium to high latency services in the east to the west. Build a multi-level computing power scheduling strategy engine to achieve mixed deployment and unified scheduling of computing power resources across platforms, levels, and regions, promote efficient docking of computing power resources, and improve data aggregation, processing, circulation and transaction efficiency. Promote 400G/800G high-bandwidth all-optical connections between national hub nodes and demand locations, guide telecom operators to improve the efficiency of “public transmission channels”, and promote deep integration of computing networks.
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