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【Crypto Research Firm: In 2010, a significant number of wallets were created, each holding 50 BTC, believed to belong to either whales or Satoshi Nakamoto.】 November 25, Bitcoin research firm BTCparser stated in a recent article that a large number of Bitcoin wallet addresses were created in 2010, with each address holding 50 Bitcoins. These addresses were not moved until November 2019 in their first "activation," and the article referred to them as the "2010 Whale."Their theory suggests that Satoshi Nakamoto owns these wallets and has been slowly selling the holdings, while intentionally ignoring the wallets from 2009 to avoid drawing attention, "This makes me suspect that the mysterious 2010 Whale may actually be Satoshi Nakamoto."However, BTCparser emphasized that this is just a "theory, not a conclusion." (Cointelegraph)
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