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【Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport closed some runways to search for a pet dog that escaped.】Paris, the capital of France, temporarily closed two runways at Charles de Gaulle Airport on the 26th in order for staff to search for a pet dog that escaped a week ago. According to Agence France-Presse, a French airline plane arrived in Paris from Vienna, the capital of Austria, on the 19th. A pet dog checked in by an Austrian passenger escaped from its pet carrier during luggage unloading. Airport and airline staff immediately launched an intensive search and posted a 'wanted' notice inside the airport. The French airline said that staff had discovered and approached the dog several times, but it has not been captured yet. During the search on the 26th, airport police used a drone, causing the closure of some airport runways. The airport chose the relatively quiet afternoon time for aircraft takeoffs and landings for the search, trying to minimize the impact on flights. If the dog is found this time, staff plan to use tranquilizers after getting closer. (Xinhua)
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