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[Adani Group Accused Of $265 Million Bribery Scheme, Impacting International Solar Projects And Investment] U.S. Prosecutors Allege That Adani Group, Specifically One Of Its Companies, Defrauded Investors By Concealing A $265 Million Bribery Scheme Linked To A Solar Project In India, Causing International Repercussions Including Project Withdrawals In Sri Lanka And Kenya, And Paused Investments From TotalEnergies. This Occurs As India's Solar Sector Faces Challenges Including Financially Struggling State Utilities With $7.8 Billion In Losses, Rising Manufacturing Costs, And A Weak Regulatory Framework, Slowing India's Transition From Fossil Fuels Despite A Growing Solar Capacity, Which Accounts For 16% Of The Nation's Generating Capacity, But Only 4% Of Electricity Used.
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