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[The Yen Reversed In A V Shape And Once Recovered The 149 Mark] At The End Of New York Trading On Tuesday (March 18), The US Dollar Rose 0.07% Against The Yen To 149.31 Yen. The Asia-Pacific Market Started A Wave Of Volatile Upward Trends, Refreshing The Daily High Of 149.93 Yen At 20:39 Beijing Time, And Then Gave Up The Gains And Turned To Decline For A Time - Refreshing The Daily Low Of 149.10 Yen. The Euro Rose 0.27% Against The Yen To 163.42 Yen, And Rose To 164.19 Yen At 16:16, The First Time It Has Risen Above 164 Yen Since January 24; The Pound Rose 0.15% Against The Yen To 194.143 Yen, And Also Refreshed The Daily High Of 194.909 Yen At 16:24
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