2025 年の市場見通しを決定づける 3 つの特徴は、SP 500 のフォワード P/E (株価収益率) が 22 倍と高い水準にあること、米ドルがさらに強くなる可能性があること、および米国 10 年国債利回りの方向性です。
2025 年の市場見通しを決定づける 3 つの特徴は、SP 500 のフォワード P/E (株価収益率) が 22 倍と高い水準にあること、米ドルがさらに強くなる可能性があること、および米国 10 年国債利回りの方向性です。
2025 年に向けて、変化する政策環境と進化する市場環境の相互作用により、慎重なポートフォリオ構築が求められています。米国の成長の回復力、貿易および移民政策による潜在的な混乱、AI (人工知能) 主導の生産性と民間市場の成長における新たな機会によって定義されるマクロ経済の背景を踏まえ、3 つの戦略的テーマが当社のアプローチの指針となります。
また、今後 12 か月間で、堅固な戦略的資産配分に基づいてポートフォリオ全体のリスクを戦術的に調整する機会が増えることも予想しています。たとえば、2024 年 7 月には、市場が逼迫し、投資家のセンチメントが過度に楽観的であることが分析で示されたため、株式リスクを軽減しました。8 月初旬に米国の成長減速への懸念から市場が調整すると、センチメントが変化し、ポートフォリオにリスクを再び追加する機会が生まれました。この規律あるアプローチは、2025 年に予想されるダイナミックな市場環境を乗り切るためのモデルとして役立ちます。
株式: 当社は、選挙後の動向、収益の改善、魅力的なバリュエーションが魅力的な投資機会を生み出す可能性がある米国の小型株に注目しています。また、成長型マネージャーはソフトウェアなどの高成長循環株をターゲットにし、バリュー型マネージャーは金融およびヘルスケアのMA(合併と買収)の可能性を見出しています。コア型マネージャーは、金利に敏感なセクターで循環的エクスポージャーのバランスを取り、リスクを管理しています。
債券:短期金利は長期金利よりも急速に低下すると予想されるため、利回り曲線の スティープ化により短期債券に投資機会が生まれます。クレジット市場は、特に米国の高利回り債と投資適格債のスプレッドが狭いため、上昇余地が限られる可能性があります。これにより、新興市場の米ドル建て債券やプライベートクレジットなど、リスクとリターンのトレードオフがより魅力的な分野に債券のエクスポージャーを拡大する機会が生まれます。
通貨: 米ドルは関税、米国経済の強さ、他の中央銀行に比べてハト派的ではないFRBからの上昇圧力に直面すると予想されます。しかし、米ドルの価値は依然として高く、新興市場通貨はすでに圧力を受けています。これを踏まえ、当社は2025年に向けてポートフォリオにおける通貨への投資を限定しつつ、年間を通じて発生する可能性のあるあらゆる機会とリスクに警戒を怠りません。
Private markets continue to play an increasingly vital role in the evolving landscape of capital flows, as the shift away from public markets accelerates with fewer IPOs (initial public offerings) and later-stage listings. This transformation is particularly evident in AI opportunities, where venture capital investments now make up 27% of deals and 41% of capital raised.In our view investors can benefit from broadening portfolios into private markets. The upcoming policy environment may also be more favorable for private markets, with stabilizing interest rates, easing regulations, and rising MA activity. However, the influx of capital into U.S. private markets has led to sourcing challenges, which makes international opportunities more attractive. In particular, Europe offers compelling middle-market consolidation opportunities in fragmented industries, Japan benefits from ongoing corporate reforms and asset divestitures, and the Persian Gulf states are emerging as dynamic investment hubs thanks to progressive regulations and large-scale development initiatives. Infrastructure also presents a key opportunity, as hybrid investment models that incorporate both private and public markets unlock substantial growth potential.
We believe a multi-manager approach is crucial in this landscape. By diversifying across specialized managers, particularly in real assets, investors can access a broader range of opportunities that blend public and private market investments. This strategy creates more resilient portfolios and allows investments in sectors such as data centers and warehousing, where combining private and public market exposures is especially productive for a total portfolio.
Market Implications:
Private Equity: We are focused on private equity opportunities in European middle-market consolidation, along with continued growth in Japan and the Persian Gulf states. Managers with sector-specific expertise are outperforming generalists, and we believe that portfolios can benefit from this trend.
AI and Tech: We believe private market ventures in AI, particularly those focused on scaling innovative technologies across industries, will continue to be key drivers of long-term growth. We are actively looking for investments in AI-driven companies that are poised to enhance productivity and reshape industries.
Private Credit: We see private credit as a resilient asset class, particularly in the current higher-rate environment. With asset-based lending and European direct lending providing attractive relative value, we are broadening our fixed income exposures into these areas to capture higher yields and better diversification.
Infrastructure: We are favorable to infrastructure as a long-term growth anchor and a hedge against inflation. The asset class has proven resilient during recent market volatility and benefits from long-term trends such as the energy transition, renewable energy, and digitalization. Increasing demand for sustainable and digital infrastructure continues to drive significant capital inflows. Additionally, hybrid models combining private and public market exposure are unlocking new growth potential.
Venture Capital: We see significant opportunities in AI-driven venture capital, particularly in early-stage companies with the potential to reshape industries. As the VC market stabilizes, we are concentrating on firms with strong fundamentals, a track record of innovation, and a capacity to scale effectively.
The Broadening out of Market Leadership
While mega-cap AI stocks have driven market returns in recent years, leadership is shifting to companies using AI to create real-world efficiencies. The new U.S. administration’s focus on deregulation and tariff-based policies may provide an added boost to smaller, domestically oriented companies, which are less exposed to international trade disruptions than mega caps with significant foreign revenue, such as Apple.
We see this shift reducing market concentration and opening the door for alpha opportunities. Active managers will likely play a critical role in identifying under-covered firms that are adopting AI to drive productivity and gain competitive advantages. As AI adoption accelerates, driven by falling costs, we expect companies leveraging these innovations to benefit from enhanced productivity and improved competitiveness. Additionally, with interest rates stabilizing and valuations improving, real assets such as real estate and infrastructure are becoming increasingly attractive, offering growth, income stability, and inflation protection amid policy uncertainties.
Market Implications:
Equity: Active equity managers have been challenged by the recent severe market concentration. Our research indicates that even a flattening out of these trends—which could be driven by policy shifts, or changing sentiment around earnings growth and valuations for mega caps—can be quite supportive for active manager outperformance. We and our active managers are focused on sectors where AI adoption is accelerating, such as industrials, healthcare, and consumer goods. We believe companies leveraging AI for productivity improvements are well-positioned to gain a lasting competitive edge and generate strong returns. Skilled active managers can seek out these companies, especially those in less-covered segments of the market.
Real Assets: We see attractive investment opportunities in real estate and infrastructure, particularly in areas benefiting from stabilizing long-term interest rates and favorable relative valuations compared to other growth assets. AI applications in real estate, such as data centers and healthcare facilities, are emerging as key growth areas. Additionally, infrastructure investments are gaining momentum from energy utilities and pipeline exposures, especially with the U.S. administration's focus on expanding LNG (liquified natural gas) production.
Fat tails and alternative scenarios
It’s a cliché to say that uncertainty is high, but the return of Donald Trump to the White House adds an additional layer of complexity to the 2025 outlook. Alongside the usual business cycle risks, there is the unknown of how the new administration’s policy priorities and sequencing will unfold. We don’t know how aggressively President-elect Trump will implement his campaign promises of sweeping tariffs, lower immigration, and forced deportations. An early focus on tax cuts and deregulation would likely be well-received by equity investors. However, if the first major policy moves target tariffs and immigration, investor sentiment could sour.
On the business cycle, we expect the U.S. economy to slow to trend-like growth as the lagged effects of Fed tightening take hold. The risk remains that the economy could tip into a mild recession, with job market weakness triggering a consumer pullback. We’re
closely monitoring jobless claims—sustained claims above 260,000 per week would signal a more painful adjustment. Claims below that level would suggest the economy is resilient despite tight monetary policy.
The other scenarios we will be monitoring are U.S. inflation risks and potential positive surprises for Europe and China.
U.S. inflation risks could arise from economic overheating fueled by tax cuts and deregulation, which may sustain stronger-than-expected demand and limit the Fed’s ability to ease policy. Additionally, tariffs and immigration controls could tighten labor markets and disrupt supply chains, driving costs higher. If these pressures keep inflation elevated, the Fed might raise rates rather than ease, pushing U.S. Treasury yields above 4.5%. This would challenge the equity market, as the SP 500’s earnings yield of 4.5% has consistently exceeded 10-year Treasury yields since 2002. A sustained reversal of this dynamic would strain equity valuations.
Despite a pessimistic consensus on Europe and China, both regions present potential for positive surprises. Europe’s equity valuations are compelling, with forward price-to-earnings multiples at a 45% discount to the U.S. Aggressive ECB easing could revive eurozone demand, with improving bank lending—a key indicator—signaling potential outperformance.
In China, policy shifts or improved corporate governance could deliver unexpected upside. Share buybacks have begun reversing years of dilution, enabling 11% earnings-per-share (EPS) growth in the year to November 2024, despite a struggling economy. With a low forward multiple of 10 times, another year of double-digit EPS growth could drive outsized returns for the MSCI China Index.
Conclusion: Overcoming the improbable requires discipline and strategy
Markets in 2025 will demand more than conventional wisdom about U.S. outperformance and global headwinds. While our composite contrarian sentiment indicator signals investor optimism, it remains below critical correction thresholds. This creates a tactical opening for disciplined investors.
We believe success will require nimble allocation across public and private markets, backed by rigorous analysis and unwavering investment discipline. A projected U.S. soft landing, coupled with expected policy moderation on trade and immigration, opens specific opportunities for well-positioned portfolios.
Just as robot chopsticks can catch spacecraft in 2024, it’s plausible that markets can remain resilient through policy uncertainty in 2025. A disciplined approach to building total portfolios will be critical to investor outcomes.
Regional snapshots
United States
U.S. exceptionalism leads into year-end, with low layoffs and improving corporate earnings supporting a soft landing. The election results introduce uncertainty around tariffs, immigration, and market-friendly policies like tax cuts and deregulation, though we expect a balanced approach. A post-election bounce in business confidence is encouraging. The Federal Reserve is likely to implement gradual rate cuts to a new normal of 3.25%, with market pricing reflecting this. Our U.S. equity strategies focus on diversification and security selection, particularly in small cap cyclicals. U.S. fixed income and multi-asset strategies have reduced interest rate sensitivity, anticipating much of the recent yield rise to be justified by the evolving policy and fundamental landscape.
The Canadian economy lagged the U.S. in 2024 but avoided a recession. Inflation has dropped, and the Bank of Canada is expected to continue rate cuts into 2025. Despite this, Canada faces headwinds from elections, weak population growth, and trade policy uncertainty. We anticipate a fragile outlook into the new year.
The eurozone faces persistent challenges. Germany’s stagnating economy is burdened by poor productivity, high energy costs, and weak export demand, particularly from China. France is grappling with rising bond yields due to fiscal pushback. Tariff threats in 2025 could dampen growth as businesses delay hiring. The baseline outlook is for a weaker euro, sluggish GDP growth, and higher peripheral spreads. The opportunity lies in cheap equity valuations and aggressive ECB easing to support domestic activity.
United Kingdom
中国は引き続き デフレ、消費者信頼感の低下、米国の関税の可能性に苦しんでいる。景気刺激策は依然として期待外れだ。来年の焦点は政策発表と消費者行動となるだろう。こうした困難にもかかわらず、中国株は割安で、自己資本利益率は改善している。2025年には人民元が緩やかに下落すると予想している。
日本のインフレ率は日銀の目標である2%付近に留まる可能性が高く、これは重要な経済マイルストーンとなる。日本銀行が徐々に政策を正常化していく中で、2025年には日本経済は基準から見て好調に推移すると予想されている。日本株は堅調なファンダメンタルズに支えられているものの、バリュエーションはやや割高となっている。日本国債の魅力は低下しているが、円は引き続き割安で 、金利差の縮小の恩恵を受けるはずだ。